19 July 2007

Sky Wheel (Light Experiment #1)

The first of a series of light experiments over time. The idea here was to capture a ferris wheel over a two hour period highlighting how light might change the image from the obvious to the abstract. There a 1 and a half second exposure was enough to capture the spinning of the wheel while leaving the clouds realitively still. A ND Grad 8 filter was used to help with light.

The Magic of Light (Light Experiment #2)

Perhaps the easiest to recognise as a ferris wheel of the four images, this the most complex in terms of lighting. Shot as the ferris wheel was slowing down, there was enough light to create movement from the structure while leaving the carriages almost still, creating a rather interesting image.

Light Show (Light Experiment #3)

This is the third of a series looking at light on a single object over time. Titled "Light Show" it highlights both abstractness and surrealism. The line like colour hides its true image giving it a sense of blacklighting and sets this image apart from the others giving it its own distinctive spin on form and colour.

Tron (Light Experiment #4)

Tron (Light Experiment #4)
Originally uploaded by fourthography
This is the fourth of a series looking at light on a single object over time. Titled "Tron" for its likeness to the film it highlights both abstractness and intertextuality. The solid blue sets this image apart from the others giving it its own distinctive spin on form and colour.